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I was recommended by another repair shop to have them diagnose my 2010 Subaru for overheating issue after repairs at other shops. After thoroughly testing vehicle I was provided with honest results and repair options. I didn't have the vehicle fixed considering it has 234K miles and is a 2010. However, I believe they were honest, fair and will be taking my vehicles to Griffin's. Thanks for being a trusted repair shop for the community.


Honest, efficient, and reasonable



good service and price


Scott and Laura are ultimate professionals with a great team of technicians that treat your car like their own. They keep you posted on progress providing options to meet budget without compromising quality and minimize downtime.


As always service was prompt and courteous. This is the only place I will take my cars.



Very friendly and quick!


I brought my recently restored car into Griffins for an Alignment. Being a car guy I can get things close to mfg specs, but not exact. So I know from past experiences Bill’s shop is nothing short of perfection. I had high expectations going in there and it would be perfect, and it was. I’m so glad that we have a shop like Griffins close by. These guys are total car guys and have the passion to make things right the first time. I’m very pleased.


Most repair shops have started price gouging. The dealerships are insane. Sadly there is not oversight or regulations or laws to prosecute these unethical buisnesses. It’s really due to their customers desperation that they get away with this. Since most now use a labor cost book to do a job even if it takes 15 min they will bill you for what their book says, which is a mininum of 1 hour. One day very soon they will all be judged by One book, The Holy Bible.

I’m sorry you feel that way. Labor time guide is just that. A guide. It is not gospel and based on brand new vehicles with no miles on it. Met base our procedures and practices on real world scenarios. Not suggestions. And the technicians have a heavy investment in training and tools as well as us. They deserve to be compensated for all of the above. The vehicles of today are not of the old days. They take trading and skill along with the resources to perform their jobs. I wish it were twenty years ago. It was cheaper and more beneficial to you and I. Nowadays it’s not so much. Please understand that it’s not us. It’s our current climate. 4 years ago it was much different and much cheaper to do business…

- Griffin's Neighborhood Auto Clinic
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